Patagonia ist das Vorbild-Unternehmen für Themen wie Purpose, Impact und Aktivismus. Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung und konsequentes Storytelling – die Kalifornier machen vor, wie das geht. Hier ist eine Sammlung der 20 besten und inspirierendsten Zitate von Patagonia.
Patagonia ist Hersteller und Anbieter von Outdoor-Bekleidung. Gegründet wurde das Unternehmen 1973 von Yvon Chouinard. Die Kalifornier erwirtschaften rund eine Milliarde Dollar Umsatz und beschäftigen ca. 1500 Mitarbeiter.
Patagonia-Anzeige: Kauft diese Jacke nicht!
Mein Sammlung der brillanten Zitate von Patagonia soll vor allem die Werte und die Haltung des Unternehmens spiegeln. Ich möchte Sie inspirieren, sich mehr mit Patagonias Kombination aus zeitgemäßer Unternehmensführung in Kombination mit Aktivismus zu beschäftigen.
Wie erzählt Patagonia seine Geschichte? Echt. Ehrlich. Auf den Punkt. Das Storytelling der Kalifornier zeigt, wie sich Haltung in Worte übersetzen lässt. Und zwar so, dass alle nach innen und nach außen wissen, was sie von Patagonia zu erwarten haben.
Beim Einstieg in die Welt von Patagonia helfen vor allem zwei Bücher. Die Autobiografie des Gründers Yvon Chouinard, Let my people go surfing sowie The responsible company, in dem Chouinard und ein Co-Autor erzählen, was sie bei Patagonia gelernt haben.
Hier ist meine Sammlung der besten und inspirierendsten Zitate von Patagonia:
Purpose: We’re in business to save our home planet.
Marketing: Our branding efforts are simple: tell people who we are. We don’t have to create a fictional character like the Marlboro Man or a fake responsible caring campaign like Chevron’s ‚we agree‘ advertising. Writing fiction is so much more difficult than nonfiction. Fiction requieres creativity and imagination. nonfiction deals with simple truths.
Grundfrage: Can a company that wants to make the best-quality outdoor clothing in the world be the size of Nike? Can a ten-table, three star French restaurant retain tis third star when it adds fifty tables? Can you have it all?
Kunden: We had no dividing line between those who used the products and those who made them.
Zeit: We’re running Patagonia as if it’s going to be there a hundred years from now, but that doesn’t mean we have a hundred years to get there.
Natur: Nature decides our fate but has no voice of her own, or not one that we can hear. We can’t sit with her at the table and ask her what she needs to get her work done or what she cares about most. In the face of nature’s silence, we have to honor the Precautionary Principle.
Werbung: Don’t buy this jacket!
Wachstum: Just as doing risk sports will create stresses that lead to a bettering of one’s self, so should a company constantly stress itself in order to grow.
Nachhaltigkeit: The word ’sustainable‘ is another of those words – like ‚gourmet‘, and ‚adventure‘ – that have been so overused and misused as to become meaningless.
Umwelt: At Patagonia the protection and preservation of the natural environment aren’t just something we do after hours or when we finish our regular work; they’re the reason we are in business. We’d have the same environmental philosophy if we were a cabinet shop, a winery, or a building contractor. I (Y. Chouinard) believe, as do most of our employees, that the health of our home planet is the bottom line, and it’s a responsibility we all must share.
Leadership: Before we are entitled to encourage other companies to act responsibly we have to do so ourselves. There’s one way to lead, and that’s by being in front and leading by example.
Mantra: reduce, repair, reuse, recycle.
Realität: Patagonia will never be completely socially responsible. It will ever make a totally sustainable nondamaging product. But is is committed to trying.
Lernen: We are still in the earliest stages of learning how what we do for a living both threatens nature and fails to meet our deepest human needs.
Haltung: Climbing had taught us to be self-reliant; there were no rescue teams in those days.
Echtheit: No one wants to be ashamed to name the company he works for. No one wants to leave her values at home when she leaves for work in the morning.
Verantwortung: How is a company responsible? Should it profit its shareholders, provide for the well-being of tis employees, make excellent products, be a good force in the community, and protect nature? We think that a responsible company bears all the obligations.
Sinn: At it’s heart, to have meaningful work is to do something you love to do and are good at doing for al living … often, though not always, with other people … Doing the right thing, with others, makes work meaningful … No work, anywhere, should be meaningless.
Kündigungen: Before we would cut anyone else’s pay, we would reduce the salaries of managers, directors, Vice Presidents, and the top executives, including the owners. The we would shorten the work week and reduce pay accordingly. Only as a last resort, if we were in deepest sort of trouble, would we again downsize the company with a general layoff.
Einzigartigkeit: The strongest thing your company can do is something no one else will do, or do well.
Diese 20 Zitate aus dem Universum von Patagonia sind nur Schlaglichter. Sie zeigen ein bescheidenes, kluges und in vielerlei Hinsicht vorbildliches Unternehmen. Wer sich mehr mit Patagonias Unternehmensphilosophie im Zeichen von Purpose und werthaltigem Wirtschaften beschäftigen und zugleich ein Gefühl für seinen eigenen Weg bekommen möchte, dem empfehle ich auch mein neuestes Sachbuch That’s Me! Wie Sie Purpose als Kompass zum Erfolg nutzen.