Politische Aufrichtigkeit: Zitate von Sanna Marin berühren, weil sie klug sind und klar, vor allem aber wegen ihrer Ehrlichkeit. Die finnische Ministerpräsidentin bleibt gelassen, wenn ihre privaten Partyvideos um die Welt gehen oder wenn ihr Look bei Konzerten kommentiert wird. Sie weiß: Bald sind Frauen wie sie das neue Normal in Wirtschaft und Politik.
Sanna Marins Storytelling ist kohärent und klar. Das betrifft ihre Herkunft (sie kommt aus einer Regenbogenfamilie), ihre Werte (sozialdemokratisch), ihr Leben (keine Masken). Die Zitate zeigen eine Frau, die bei sich ist und wünscht, dass die Aufmerksamkeit doch vielmehr den Sachen gilt als ihrer Person.
Zitate von Sanna Marin:
Über Aufrichtigkeit: “I just want to be honest, and be myself. I find it much easier.”
Über Fokus: „I think if you focus on the issues, and not the person, it’s easier.“
“I want to make sure that everyone can have a good life, no matter what their backgrounds are. That’s what I’m interested in: the issues. I’ve never paid much attention to myself.”
Über ihre Motivation: „But it’s not because I’m from a rainbow family that I’m in politics. I’m in politics because I thought that the older generation wasn’t doing enough about the big issues of the future. I needed to act. I couldn’t just think, it’s somebody else’s job.“
Über Selbstzweifel: “Of course, I have also felt that maybe I’m not as good as people think. But when you spend more time in politics, doing your work, you realise that everybody is just a human being, and every job is the size of a person.”
Über Würde: „The strength of a society is measured not by the wealth of its most affluent members, but by how well its most vulnerable citizens are able to cope. The question we need to ask is whether everyone has the chance to lead a life of dignity.“
„We do have a problem with women, but we also have a problem with men. It’s very important that we realise it’s not a women’s issue, it’s a people issue.“
Über Gleichheit: „We all have to fight each and every day for equality, for a better life. It’s very important for everyone to step in, it’s not someone’s else job. That is the reason why I got into politics.“
Über die finnische Regierung: „Maybe it’s not such a big deal in Finland that we have five women in power….hopefully in the future we have people from all kinds of backgrounds making the decisions in powerful places.“
Über das Klima: „Finland is committed to being climate neutral by 2035 – we see that climate change is the biggest risk humanity faces. But fighting climate change is a big opportunity for our technology, our businesses, creating new jobs, creating wellbeing.“